PortalKerja.com – Lowongan kerja terbaru untuk posisi Operator QC Incoming di PT Polindo Utama terbuka bagi lulusan SMA/SMK yang siap berkarir di industri Manufaktur dengan penempatan kerja di Tangerang.
PT Polindo Utama adalah perusahaan yang didirikan pada tahun 2005 sebagai pelopor dalam pembuatan serpihan PET daur ulang di Indonesia.
Lowongan Kerja Operator QC Incoming PT Polindo Utama – Tangerang
Our Requirement
- Maximum age 35 years old
- At least 5 years of working experience in the related field
- Minimum education Senior High School or equivalent
- Experience in handling production rPP/rPE sorting raw material
- Have strong communication, interpersonal, and leadership
- Perform monitoring and reporting activities on the inventory level of raw and supporting materials for the rPP/rPE production process
- Able to monitoring inventory in the production process, storage of goods in warehouses, and raw materials that will be imported from suppliers.
- Able to maintain the balance of the use of the companies production capacity
- Ensuring product quality
- Able to coordination with the Production Department to create and ensure rPP/rPE process schedule
Lihat info: Lowongan Kerja Palembang 2025
Bagi Anda yang sudah memenuhi kualifikasi dan persyaratan diatas serta berminat mengembangkan karir di PT Polindo Utama sebagai Operator QC Incoming, silakan ajukan lamaran Anda sebelum tanggal expired.
Proses rekrutmen Operator QC Incoming PT Polindo Utama GRATIS tidak dipungut biaya apapun.