Since inception in 1981, PT Bina Karya Prima (BKP) has grown to become one of the top 15 FMCG companies in Indonesia. Our portfolio includes personal care items such as soap, skincare and fragrances, as well as food items such as cooking oil and margarine. Among our well-known brands are: Tropical Cooking Oil, Shinzu’i Soap and Personal Care, Zen Antibacterial Soap, Forvita Margarine, and many others.

Vision : To be one of the TOP 5 leading fast moving consumer goods companies in Indonesia & simultaneously becoming a blue chip listed company.

Mission : To put relentless effort in achieving our vision, and to deliver quality products that are loved by customers and become a part of their walks of life, through our “PRIMA” team.

Alamat Perusahaan

Jalan Yos Sudarso Blok D-5, Kav 30
Tanjung Priok, Jakarta, 14350

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